raising awareness (and Kites) for world narcolepsy day

Thanks to Chizz Thorton and Suas Drones for their always unique and beautiful perspective!

On Sunday 22nd September Narcolepsy Ireland and Sound Ireland held a kite flying event on Enniscrone beach to raise awareness for narcolepsy and to mark the first World Narcolepsy Day.
The day was a huge success with up 200-300 people coming out to support us. At any one point there were up to 60 kites flying high in the sky in a beautiful display of support and hope. It was a joyful, fun filled and emotional day.
We have a great many people to thank,
Paul Bourke of Toymaster Ballina for his very generous donation of 116 kites which were handed out to families on the day to join in the fun
Pete Murtagh and Pearse Bourke of Sligo County Council for allow us to go ahead with the event, providing electricity and assisting us on the day
Brian Cronin and Sean Doherty of Order of Malta for watching over us
T2Coffee @t2coffeevan for providing refreshments and for his generous contribution to Narcolepsy Ireland
O’Grady’s Icecream Van @ogradysicecream for supporting our event, providing ice-creams and for his generous donation to Narcolepsy Ireland
Suas Drones #SuasDrones for stunning photos and videos of the action from above
DJ Avocado for music and entertainment
Lauren Murray and Aine Killeen for providing their beautiful face painting services all afternoon
Tom Bullock and his magnificent giant kites which filled the sky with colour
All our volunteers and stewards who marshalled the crowds, assembled kites and provided information about narcolepsy and our awareness campaign to everyone on the beach.
Most importantly we’d like to thank everyone who took the time on a lovely Sunday afternoon to come fly a kite and helped us mark this important day. We were overwhelmed with the support and kindness.
If you would like to make a donation you can do so using the donate button available on the homepage or at the bottom of every page.
If you would like to get in contact with us, we’d love to hear from you: info@narcolepsyireland.com
Thank You - Scoil Chroí Naofa for hosting a wonderful fund raising and awareness raising day on behalf on their 5th class student with narcolepsy
The 14th European Narcolepsy Days (END) conference took place in November 2023 in
Leiden, the Netherlands, with a wide range of participants: researchers; neurologists and other health care professionals; representatives from the pharmaceutical industry; patients with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia (IH); their relatives and parents of children with narcolepsy.
During a patient session organised by eNAP (European Narcolepsy Alliance for Patients), the participants discussed the challenges faced by people with narcolepsy/IH at different stages of life. In addition to the participants from the conference, several Dutch narcolepsy patients and parents of children with the disease also contributed. They were divided into 10 groups, with two groups in each of the five subjects: newly diagnosed; parents of children; teenagers; young adults and adults.
Write up by Astrid Kabelmann-Jensen, M.Sc. Public Admin. (Danish narcolepsy patient) and Alan Hickey, PhD. (eNAP and Narcolepsy Ireland
Narcolepsy Ireland hosted a conference for World Narcolepsy Day
World Narcolepsy Day (Sept. 22, 2021) is a day dedicated to raising awareness of narcolepsy on a global scale. Co-led by 26 patient advocacy organizations across six continents, World Narcolepsy Day inspires action, increase public knowledge, and elevate the voices of people living with narcolepsy worldwide.
Based on our current understanding of the condition, people with narcolepsy should not be at increased risk from COVID-19.
Thanks you to Athenry based creche Pixie Lane for holding a fundraising and awareness raising day for Narcolepsy Ireland
Narcolepsy Ireland and Sound Ireland are delighted to announce this year’s Suddenly Sleepy Saturday event.