Partial Capacity Benefit
Partial Capacity Benefit is a social welfare scheme which allows you to return to work or self-employment (if you have reduced capacity to work) and continue to receive a payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP).
Partial Capacity Benefit is a social welfare scheme which allows you to return to work or self-employment (if you have reduced capacity to work) and continue to receive a payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP).
○ If you have been getting Illness Benefit (for a minimum of 6 months) or Invalidity Pension and wish to return to work, you may qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit if your capacity for work is reduced by your medical condition.
○ You will qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit if your restriction on capacity for work is assessed as moderate, severe, or profound. If it is assessed as mild you will not qualify.
Participation on the Partial Capacity Benefit scheme is voluntary and you may return to Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension if, for example, your employment ceases or if you find you cannot continue to work.
If you were getting Invalidity Pension and were entitled to Free Travel, you can keep that if you qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit. You cannot keep your Fuel Allowance
There is no restriction on earnings or number of hours you can work. You can work in a self-employed capacity while getting Partial Capacity Benefit. You cannot get Partial Capacity Benefit and Working Family Payment (formerly known as Family Income Supplement) together. You can get Partial Capacity Benefit and a half-rate Carer's Allowance together.
How long will the payments last?
Payment will last as long as you have an underlying entitlement to Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension. Your continued entitlement to Partial Capacity Benefit is subject to review and you may be required to attend a medical assessment by a medical assessor.What rates are paid?
This is a little complicated so it is best checked on the DEASP or Citizens Information website (see links below). However, in short, rates vary depending on whether you are on Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension and also on the medical assessor’s determination on the degree of restriction your condition imposes on your capacity to work. This can be assessed as being PROFOUND or SEVERE or MODERATE which in turn entitles the claimant to 100% or 75% or 50 % of the full rate. The full rate, in round figures, is approx €200 per week.Increases for qualified children and adults continue to be paid at the same rate. The conditions for payment of increases are the same as those that applied to your Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension claim.
For comprehensive treatment on Invalidity Pension see Citizens Information and /or Dept of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.